"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8)
the Wind that IS
by Melodie Green
When things don’t turn out the way we thought they would
When we are not in the place we hoped we’d be
Or with those we long to be with
There is One who understands.
When circumstances are not what we anticipated
Our life is still guided by a purposeful God
When He breathes, clouds move, trees rustle, boats sail
He is the One who clears our way with His Wind.
When the Wind is fierce the move is swift and frenzied
When a gentle breeze blows an easy glide is enjoyed
In still waters we may simply bobble along, often feeling forgotten
But the One who measures velocity, knows our times and our seasons.
But the One who measures velocity, knows our times and our seasons.
When things are not what we hoped or prayed for
We must shift our heart into the Wind that IS
We must bend our will into the reality of God’s leading
He is the only One who can see the big picture.
After yielding and cooperating and doing our part
We will find ourselves at that next place of new beginnings
We will also understand both the swiftness and the delays
And the timing and wisdom of the One who carried us there.
"You are my God. My times are in your hands..." (Psalm 31:14)
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Thank you, may the Lord bless you and guide you as we diminish and he Grows more and more in us!
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