Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Make my life a prayer to you --Keith Green

Make my life a prayer to You
I wanna do what You want me to
No empty words and no white lies
No token prayers no compromise

I wanna shine the light you gave
Through your Son You sent to save us
From ourselves and our despair
It comforts me to know You're really there

Well i wanna thank you know

For being patient with me
Oh its so hard to see
When my eyes are on me
I guess i'll have to trus
And just believe what You say
Oh You're coming again
Coming to take me away
I wanna die and let You give
Your life to me so i might live
And share the hope You gave me
The love that set me free
I wanna tell the world out there
You're not some fable or fairy tale

That i've made up inside my head
You're God the son and You've risen from the dead

I wanna die and let you give
Your life to me so i might live

And share the hope that You gave me
The love that set me free

Just because...

Thinking about the plans that i must make for the days to come, i kind of get exhausted from it. Right now i find myself in a situation in which part of the answer is revealed but the rest of it is not even blurry but completly unknown for me.
I could do many things, i could continue moving as if nothing is happening and just live on, but i know that in some way all this that happens is calling my attention and my focus to Him. And maybe because intentionally I'm not being especific about the situation itself, you could also identify in some way with what i'm saying right now.
And personally, it's a hard thing for me to do, to focus on Him, sometimes my question is --how should i focus? what things can i do that will help me to focus? -- and other questions like these. But the truth is that i feel that in the moments when everything is still, when there is no other sound or noise, or will to do things to get there, in that state of being clueless, helpless, there He comes, there He speaks.
And i really long to hear Him speaking.
I had a conversation a few days ago with a believer friend, i was telling some of the things that i'm going through to him, and got really good encouragement from him, but also many questions started coming up in my head, questions that i've never ask to the Lord, like for example, what is His real purpose with having me here, and it's not that i've never thought about it, but somehow it was never clear to me, the answers i could think of would be very general, and i still wanted something more...but i'm beginning to understand that there is nothing "big" i could do without Him, and the highest vision to live for has already been exposed before us and it's to die to ourselves and live in Him, that He may live through us, like John said so beautifully, that i will diminish so that He will grow.
He said something that really touched me, he said that the most important thing to do when we are seeking God, it's not just to wait for Him to answer our prayers, or wait in Him to give us some light in the situation that we are experiencing, but to seek Him just because we want to be with Him, just because we have understood that our life is meaningless without Him. And when He sees a heart like that, that ok, we want answers, but we don't desire them as much as we desire Him, He comes, and He also answers but just the fact for us that He comes, that will do, that is enough.
How exciting to be so close to Him that we can feel Him or be filled with the assurance that He is close!
That's the life i'm choosing today, and especially to be lead by Him by still waters, i want to be immersed in His death and come to life in His resurrection.

What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?" (Psalm 8:4)


Sunday, August 2, 2009

I shall want--

Yes, i didn't make a mistake, i meant --i shall want-- What shall i want? more specifically, Who shall i want?

I imagine myself walking through a path.

I see bright, green, beautiful grass at each one of my sides...just that at my left side i was holding His right hand... we were walking together under the blue sky, and the soft breeze was caressing my face. It was a new spring day.

Through all my life, i've been walking that same path, everytime through different places and different seasons, sometimes even through the darkest night, and i can remember that i would look at my left side and there He was, stretching out his right hand so i could hold on to Him. Sometimes I would try to walk on my own, and He would let me! But just after a few steps, i would understand that there was no point to let go of His hand, i would be lost, i would be afraid...and even, blind.

But specially in this new spring day, i thought of something different, i wanted something more than just hold His hand, i mean, we walked most of the time, but i realized that i never looked into His eyes, face to face, and sat for a while to hear His voice...maybe i did hear it once, but by now i didn't remember anymore. So, yes, i stopped...first looking down, then i closed my eyes and felt His hand holding me so strong but gentle, i felt so secure...then i breathed really deep and opened my eyes turning my head up, because He is so much taller than me, and He was already with His eyes fixed upon me.

For a moment i felt i could not breathe, His gaze was so intense and overwhelming, like He could see through me. I felt ashamed, then one thick tear came out of His eyes, and then i was broken. I wanted to say something, i wanted to let go of His hand, i couldn't stop crying, i wanted to hide, to run away...i just felt so unworthy, filthy, ashamed...and when i tried to let go He hold me stronger, didn't hurt me, but surprised me, how could He want to be with me?

Then i heard it. Natalia--He called my name, He knows me; i never heard someone spoke out my name so beautifully, it was like music, a sweet melody, a comforting sound.

I raised my eyes to Him once again, and He smiled, He said--I love you-- He loves me! me?

Then i understood, all these years in which i've been walking with Him, i got used to Him and took His company for granted, wasting my time racing instead of stopping to look at Him, and letting Him to clean me with His gaze, hearing His voice and knowing His love.

Now i know that i definetely shall want, i shall want Him, and only Him, because with Him i lack nothing, i don't need anything outside of Him.

"Whom have in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that i desire besides You." (Psalm 73:25)

"You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." (Psalm 16:11)

"You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great." (Psalm 18:35)

"My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me." (Psalm 63:8)


Do you bend with the wind?

"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8)

the Wind that IS

by Melodie Green

When things don’t turn out the way we thought they would

When we are not in the place we hoped we’d be

Or with those we long to be with

There is One who understands.

When circumstances are not what we anticipated
Our life is still guided by a purposeful God
When He breathes, clouds move, trees rustle, boats sail
He is the One who clears our way with His Wind.

When the Wind is fierce the move is swift and frenzied
When a gentle breeze blows an easy glide is enjoyed
In still waters we may simply bobble along, often feeling forgotten
But the One who measures velocity, knows our times and our seasons.

When things are not what we hoped or prayed for
We must shift our heart into the Wind that IS
We must bend our will into the reality of God’s leading
He is the only One who can see the big picture.

After yielding and cooperating and doing our part
We will find ourselves at that next place of new beginnings
We will also understand both the swiftness and the delays
And the timing and wisdom of the One who carried us there.

"You are my God. My times are in your hands..." (Psalm 31:14)
